Thank you to those who participated in the survey we conducted in September. We posed the question, “Are you in favor of using lethal methods to control the deer population in Tanglewood Park?”.
The responses were 34 no, 38 yes, 4 no opinion. Some members requested more information.
The results led us to further investigate solutions. We have determined that we have the right under state and county regulations to take advantage of an Urban Archery Program “bow and arrow” deer hunt in our park using highly trained licensed, insured hunters who can engage in the sport and will donate the meat to food banks.
There have been no Virginia incidents in the program for decades. Fairfax County is using this urban archery method more in county parks recently. More information may be found online
This is the only practical solution at this time because the deer cannot be contained for sterilization, a very expensive proposition. Contraceptive measures are being developed but not approved. While there are no direct costs with the hunter program, we would need to incur expenses in notifying members and signage. There would be limited access to the park for a time. While we would be exempt from liability under the program, we will review our insurance before proceeding.
Almost as many members are opposed to controlling the deer population. The Humane Society of America has very good information on how we can learn to live with the deer as well as possible unintended consequences of trying to control the deer. There is evidence that the return of the coyotes is controlling the deer. Since the survey, at least 3 dead deer (and parts) were found on member’s lawns on Riviera Drive.
This subject will be on the agenda for our 2025 Annual Meeting.

Picture above taken on December 4, 2024 of 10 deer moving through Tanglewood Park