Who do I contact about street conditions, e.g., snow removal, potholes, downed trees blocking roads?
Information about how to contact VDOT can be found on the Roads page.
Why don’t snow plows keep our streets cleaner?
One reason is that the smaller plows that do the side streets have trouble maneuvering around cars parked on the streets.
When snow is predicted moving your cars into driveways will help insure that the contractors who plow our streets can do so cleanly without having to slalom around vehicles.
Why should I clear the snow off my sidewalk right after a snowstorm?
Fairfax county does not have a law stating that snow must be cleared from residential sidewalks. However your many neighbors who walk on them daily and keep an eye on your property for suspicious activity will think a lot more kindly of you if you do.
If you don’t do it right away the snow invariably turns to ice in a day or so and lingers for a long time. This makes it dangerous for children walking to the bus and your neighbors (who are getting older you know) trying to walk through the community. Cleaning your sidewalk is the neighborly thing to do.
How do we request that our sidewalks be repaired?
See the Sidewalks section of the Roads page.
Vehicles are speeding through the neighborhood. Can we get a stop sign?
This has been tried in the past. There isn’t enough traffic and Tanglewood Community Association’s streets are not through streets. Just ask your neighbors (or tell their parents) to please slow down and respect that residents and their children would think more kindly of them if they wouldn’t speed. Or wave at them in a friendly way and maybe they will get the message. If you can’t bring yourself to talk to your neighbor then contact your zone representative.
Why must I keep my dog on a leash at ALL TIMES when off my property?
For the safety of your neighbors and their children; to protect others' pets and property; and lastly because it is the law in Fairfax County! (County code section 41-2-4 - Unrestricted dogs prohibited; leash law.) Oh, and because coyotes have been sighted.
Why should I keep my front yard looking neat and trim?
Because it is the right thing to do and keeps home values up. Please keep shrubs and trees trimmed so that sidewalks are clear and there is at least seven foot height clearance.
Why am I required to operate a yard light in my front yard that remains on from dusk to dawn?
Without any overhead street lights in our neighborhood the yard lights
illuminate the sidewalks for those that walk after dark and provide security
within the neighborhood. Lighted yard lights are also required in the
TCA By-Laws
under Schedule A, Item 11 - which each Homeowner
agreed to when they signed the documents purchasing their homes within the TCA
community. Please keep those yard lights lit, it really does help. You might be surprised
at how many of your neighbors walk after dark.
Why can’t my front porch light substitute as a front yard light?
Most homes are set back from the street / sidewalk so far that the front porch lights do not illuminate the sidewalk properly.